Urgent mental health and addiction care

If you or someone else is at risk of injury call 111.

For advice in emergencies with tamariki and rangatahi, contact the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS):

For advice in emergencies with adults, contact:

  • Nelson Mental Health Service at Nelson Hospital — 03 546 1800
  • Marlborough Mental Health Service at Wairau Hospital — 03 520 9999

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a regional service for tamariki and rangatahi aged up to 18 years with serious mental health disorders and suspected psychiatric disorders.

These include:

  • ADHD
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • eating disorders
  • psychosis.

The CAMHS multidisciplinary team in made up of:

  • mental health nurses
  • occupational therapists
  • psychiatrists
  • psychologists
  • social workers.

Priority is given to youth at risk of suicide or attempted suicide.

Services include:

  • a 24-hour crisis service
  • case management
  • cognitive behaviour therapy
  • dialectical behaviour therapy
  • group work
  • psychopharmacology.

Referral information

Routine referrals for CAMHS come from:

  • healthcare providers
  • community and government agencies
  • schools (a resource teacher or guidance counsellor).

People accepted for referral will be given a case manager who will make an appointment directly with the family.

Contact information

Nelson Hospital — Braemar Campus
Waimea Road
Nelson 7010
Phone: 03 546 1230
After hours emergency phone: 03 546 1800

Hours: 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Marlborough Health Hub
22 Queen Street
Blenheim 7201
Phone: 03 520 9905
After hours emergency phone: 03 520 9999 (ask for on-call CAMHS)

Hours: 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Kaupapa Māori Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Te Piki Oranga kaimahi include mental health nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, pūkenga manaaki (whānau navigators) and allied health professionals.

They take a mana-enhancing approach to provide:

  • access to specialist assessment and diagnosis
  • medication monitoring
  • psychotherapies
  • monitoring of symptoms and regular review of your progress and treatment
  • early intervention and health maintenance
  • relapse prevention and problem prevention
  • promotion of good mental health
  • consultation and liaison with other healthcare providers.

Contact us

Referral information

These services are accessed through a referral from your healthcare provider.

Early Intervention Service

The Early Intervention Service is for people aged 15 to 30 who are being troubled by symptoms of psychosis and who have not previously accessed help.

Contact information

Nelson Hospital – Braemar Campus
Addictions Service and EIS building
Franklyn Street
Nelson 7010
Phone: 03 539 3709
After hours emergency phone: 03 546 1800

Hours: 8am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Te Whare Mahana

Te Whare Mahana in Tākaka offers a 24/7 community mental health service for tamariki and rangatahi.

People may refer themselves to the service or be referred by their healthcare provider, relatives, friends or other community agencies.

Contact information

Golden Bay Community Mental Health Service
34 Motupipi Street
Tākaka 7110
Phone: 03 525 7647

Te Whare Mahana Trust (external link)

Counselling services

Brief Intervention Service — Nelson

The Nelson Bays Primary Health Brief Intervention Service offers confidential counselling support for you to develop your ability to manage stress, regulate emotions and develop coping skills. This service is designed for those who live in Nelson Bays with mild to moderate mental health issues, over the age of 16 years old.

Primary mental health counselling services — Nelson Bays Primary Health (external link)

Rangatahi Youth Services — Blenheim

Maataa Waka Rangatahi Youth Services offers a range of targeted services which aim to holistically address the varied challenges facing young people, empowering them to make positive life choices and to successfully navigate social, emotional and legal obstacles.

Services include:

  • youth justice support services
  • youth mentoring
  • emotional regulation
  • counselling service.

Rangatahi Youth Services — Maataa Waka (external link)

Support services

Gateway Youth Services

Gateway provide supported residential accommodation for rangatahi.

Access to these services is through Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) or the Early Intervention Service (EIS).

Gateway Youth Services (external link)


Q-Youth is a Nelson based organisation that provides support, information, advocacy and education for queer young people, their friends and whānau.

Q-Youth offer services in the Nelson/Tasman region. Their groups and events are open to all young people up to the age of 27 as we are a queer/straight alliance.

Q-Youth — I'm Local (external link)

SASH — Sexual Abuse Support and Healing

SASH provides professional services for people and their whānau affected by sexual abuse in the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions.

We provide support to people of all ages and genders and their whānau.

In Marlborough we are not contracted to provide services to women, but provide support to all other genders and young people.

If you are a woman looking for support in Marlborough, contact the Sexual Violence Support Centre.

Programmes and pathways for rangatahi

Marlborough Youth Trust's mission is to provide services to communities, groups and individuals that enable, support and encourage the development and wellbeing of the young people of Marlborough.

They help Marlborough rangatahi with access to services and navigation of services, and the running of Myspace, a centre for rangatahi aged 12 to 24.

Marlborough Youth Trust (external link)

Whenua Iti Outdoors has been working with rangatahi for over 35 years. They provide opportunities in the outdoors to build skills and confidence in an adventurous setting, and to connect with nature and with others in their community and learn what they are capable of.

Whenua Iti offers:

  • holiday programmes
  • school programmes
  • community group programmes from age 7.

All programmes weave together elements of adventurous, cultural and environmental learning and have a positive effect on holistic wellbeing.

For secondary students, this includes a range of programmes that use an adventure therapy model to provide enhanced support for youth mental wellbeing.

Students could experience caving on the Tākaka Hill, hear local pūrākau (stories) while exploring the bush or learn how to deal with emergency situations in the wilderness.

The experiential learning opportunities at Whenua Iti are varied and tailored to the individuals in each group to provide the right amount of challenge.

You can also download free activities and resources on the Whenua Iti website. These activities support tamariki and rangatahi to be active, connect with nature and promote health and wellbeing. They include teacher resources to support the delivery of these activities in a classroom setting.

All programmes — Whenua Iti (external link)

Free activities and resources — Whenua Iti (external link)

The Graeme Dingle Foundation is a child and youth charity. Their programmes for rangatahi aged 5 to 24 have been proven to have a direct impact on building resilience to help them overcome life's obstacles and thrive. Participating students have access to inspirational leaders and mentors when taking part in programmes that provide the skills they need to prosper.

The Graeme Dingle Foundation delivers five programmes across Nelson Marlborough. Over 3,000 young people are impacted by their programmes every week.

Kiwi Can

Kiwi Can is an energy-packed primary school programme, aimed at children aged 5 to 12 years. It teaches values such as integrity and respect, and delivers fun-filled learning to schools all around the country.


The Stars programme strengthens young people for that often-tricky transition into high school, through training and supporting older students to mentor and walk alongside the new year 9s.

Project K

Project K kicks in at a time when some kids need it most. Designed for year 10s, this programme builds confidence, teaches life skills, promotes good health and encourages a positive attitude.

Career Navigator

'What are you going to do when you grow up?' Not a lot of teens know the answer to that old chestnut! Career Navigator helps by assisting Aotearoa New Zealand rangatahi with valuable information, options and guidance around work and life choices, support with achieving goals and aiming high.

Kiwi Tahi

Kiwi Tahi is an early intervention programme for tamarki aged 8 to 12 years which aims to reduce the number of rangatahi engaged in anti-social behaviour and/or the youth justice system.

Graeme Dingle Foundation (external link)

Whanake Youth provides a safe space where young people ages 12 to 24 can access professional healthcare, as well as advice and support from knowledgeable, trained professionals who care.

Our goal is to raise the quality of care for young people across the district, from Nelson through Tasman, by providing youth services such as professional healthcare, advice, support, a safe space and an inspiring place, watched over by knowledgeable, trained professionals who deeply care about our community and how the youth are raised.

Whanake Youth (external link)

Digital tools and resources

Your mental health matters. There are a range of resources and services available to help.

Mental health digital tools and resources (internal link)

Mental health hotlines

For a list of free mental health helplines, visit the Mental Health Foundation.

Helplines and support — Mental Health Foundation