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Making every week Mental Health Awareness Week in the Whanganui district
Whanganui District Health Board (DHB) is supporting Mental Health Awareness Week 2018 by encouraging people to do something every week of the year to look after their mental wellbeing.
Live Stronger for Longer
Whanganui District Health Board director of nursing and falls prevention expert Sandy Blake says she can't impress enough how important it is for older people to remain active.
Whanganui DHB hails easier access to Smokerlyzer testing
It's now easier for smokers in the Whanganui District to find out just how healthy - or unhealthy - their lungs are, thanks to more pharmacy staff in the region being trained in how to use specialised breath-testing devices.
Community groups team up to protect pre-schoolers' teeth
Community groups are pulling together during next month's school holidays to run four Spring Whānau Fun Days, in an effort to get pre-schoolers along for oral health checks.
Senior doctors lead WDHB's flu vaccination result
For the fourth year in a row, senior doctors are leading by example in the Whanganui District Health Board's (WDHB) push for staff to have flu vaccinations.
Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi (The old fishing net is replaced with the new fishing net) | Whanganui DHB announces building's new name to mark Māori Language Week
Whanganui District Health Board is celebrating Māori Language Week with the announcement that its Community Mental Health and Addictions Service building has been renamed Te Kōpae meaning 'the nest'.
WDHB dietitians welcome Malnutrition Awareness Week
Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) dietitians Emma Carran and Micaela Makker are using Malnutrition Awareness Week (24-28 September) to raise awareness about the risk of malnutrition amongst older adults who are admitted to Whanganui Hospital and remind us all how important it is to eat enough and ensure we have access to a nutritious diet.
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder awareness stall to visit rural centres
Giving a voice to the voiceless is what's driving Whanganui District Health Board health promotion officer Chester Penaflor to get out and about in the Whanganui region over the next month to raise awareness about the risks of drinking while pregnant.
Breathe Better this September and improve your lung health

This month is Breathe Better September, which the Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) is getting behind to raise awareness of respiratory conditions in Aotearoa.

Me kōrero Māori i ngā wā katoa, i ngā wāhi katoa (Making every week Māori language week at Whanganui Hospital)
Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) staff are so eager to learn Te Reo Māori, demand has led to booked-out courses and staff 'lining up' to attend.
Whanganui Girls' College students gift Boredom Buster bags to ED
Five Whanganui Girls' College students, their principal Tania King and Gabby's Starlit Hope trustee Jessica Devane have gifted 48 Boredom Buster packs for children admitted to, or waiting in, Whanganui District Health Board's Emergency Department (ED).
Whanganui DHB celebrates Newcombe Ward's 80th anniversary
On Friday 17 August, Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) staff will celebrate the 80th anniversary of Newcombe Ward which was officially opened on 18 August 1938 by Wanganui Hospital board chairman Mr W.E. Broderick.
Whanganui Hospital's Maternity and Children's Wards push 'Water is Best'
Whanganui Hospital's Maternity and Children's Wards are encouraging patients, family members, visitors and ward staff to choose water as their preferred drink and to support 'Water is Best' - both in the hospital and at home.
WDHB supports FAST Stroke campaign's new message and signs to look for
Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) is showing its support for this year's FAST Stroke campaign (launched Sunday 22 July) by doing all it can to promote the campaign's new message: Take action - call 111. For the last two years, FAST has stood for Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 111, but this year, Time has been replaced with Take action - call 111. It's important to note that any one of the three conditions (Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty) can indicate that a stroke is occurring.
WDHB supports DrinkCheck Month
Throughout July, Whanganui District Health Board is running a DrinkCheck Month campaign to remind Whanganui residents about appropriate alcohol use and how people can empower themselves to make informed choices for better health.
Whanganui DHB plans for nurses' strike
Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) has confirmed its contingency planning is in place for the 24-hour nurses' strike, from 7am Thursday 12 July, says WDHB Allied Health director Kim Fry.
Do you know the difference between a cold and influenza?
While Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) recognises that winter illnesses can be very unpleasant, health promotion officer Chester Penaflor says feeling unwell doesn't always require a visit to the doctor.
Whanganui DHB achieves top spot for shortest mental health service wait time
A three-year effort by Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) to reduce wait times for young people accessing its Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Addiction Services (ICAMHAS) has paid off.
Where should I be? campaign

The 'Where should I be?' campaign is designed to provide members of the public in the Whanganui region with information about when and where to go for health care and advice. It's all about helping people to get the most appropriate health care for the illness or injury they are experiencing at the right place....first time.

Whanganui DHB's plans for nurses' strike action well advanced
Whanganui District Health Board's (WDHB) contingency planning for a 24-hour nurses' strike, starting 7am on Thursday 5 July, is well advanced says WDHB Allied Health director Kim Fry.
Whanganui DHB marks May 31 World Smokefree Day
Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) tobacco control and mental health health promoter Sarah Hawken will be at the Quit Clinic showing her support for the Whanganui Stop Smoking Service's World Smokefree Day Open Day this Thursday.
WDHB celebrates prison's successful Te Tirohanga drug treatment programme
The recently introduced Kaupapa Maori Drug Treatment Programme called Te Tirohanga, at Whanganui Prison is a great example of what can be achieved when multiple agencies pull together says Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) Mental Health and Addictions Service nurse manager Katheryn Butters.
Whanganui DHB supports World Hand Hygiene Day
To mark World Hand Hygiene Day on Saturday 5 May, the Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) is encouraging the public to think again about how they wash their hands.
Whanganui DHB promotes website, information and services for older people
Aware that Whanganui has an ever-growing population of older residents, Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) is encouraging those residents and their families to tap into the wealth of information and resources available and to not hesitate to ask for help when needed.
Whanganui ED staff receive Teddy Bears gifted by Freemasons
Thanks to Whanganui Freemasons, children aged two to seven admitted to Whanganui District Health Board's (WDHB) Emergency Department (ED) will receive a Teddy Bear to help relax them during their treatment.
Wanganui Eye & Medical Care Trust donates CT scanner
The Wanganui Eye and Medical Care Trust had great pleasure this week handing over to the Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) a new CT scanner for the Radiology Department and a YAG laser for the Ophthalmology Department, which together are valued at $1 million.
Midwives to celebrate International Day of the Midwife with party
Whanganui district midwives and lead maternity carers are planning a party to celebrate International Day of the Midwife on Saturday 5 May.
Whanganui DHB supports Pink Shirt Day
Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) is encouraging Whanganui residents, including staff and visitors to Whanganui Hospital, to wear pink shirts on Friday 18 May in support of the Mental Health Foundation's Pink Shirt Day.
WDHB appoints two ophthalmologists
Whanganui District Health Board (WDHB) has appointed two permanent full-time ophthalmologists - Dr Arvind Gupta who took up his role in mid-March, and Dr Brenda Mulenga who is expected to arrive from the UK within the next two months.
Whanganui DHB's Falls Prevention Team making a difference
As April Falls Month draws to a close, Whanganui District Health Board's (WDHB) Falls Prevention Team encourages anyone who has fallen or is prone to falling, to ask for advice and support.

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