Mental health and addiction


Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Whanganui provides a range of mental health and addiction services in the community, rural areas and on our Whanganui Hospital campus.

If you or someone else is at risk of injury call 111.


For advice in emergencies, contact:


  • Health NZ Whanganui - Whanganui Hospital on 06 348 1234
  • Health NZ Whanganui Mental Health Services on 06 348 1234
  • Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team on 0800 653 358 

The national vision for the New Zealand Mental Health sector is that as a nation we have the means to sustain our mental health and wellbeing, and where any one experiencing mental illness and/or addiction is able to access high quality, responsive services.

Mental health and addiction services

We provide a range of mental health and addiction services in the community, rural areas and on our Whanganui Hospital campus, that includes an opioid treatment service.


Our services are available for people of all ages and include different aspects of the mental health and illness continuum. Most of our mental health services are for people living with severe mental illness except for our alcohol and other drug service which focuses on early and youth intervention.


Our Mental Health and Addiction Services works in conjunction with primary health, mental health and addiction non-government organisations (NGOs), Kaupapa Maori services and community agencies to ensure service users/tangata whaiora needs are met in all aspects of their lives. These needs include crisis work, housing, income, cultural, spiritual, day-to-day living support, recreational, educational and employment needs.


Our Mental Health and Addiction services work from a strength based and recovery approach based on promoting hope, supportive environments, self-responsibility and self-determination while working within the legal and best practice guidelines for professional and New Zealand Health Service standards.


All services have a multidisciplinary team of health professionals who work together with the service user and their family to ensure they receive integrated care to help with their recovery and discharge.

Te Awhina – inpatient acute mental health service

Te Awhina is a 12-bed inpatient unit for people over the age of 18. Based at Te Whatu Ora Whanganui - Whanganui Hospital campus, Te Awhina treats service users who are in the acute phase of their mental illness.


In addition to the treatment offered, the service provides sensory modulation rooms, day activities cultural and peer support on the ward.  Bedrooms have increased privacy and new technology is available for staff to work with. Our Mental Health and Addiction Services work in partnership with service users and their family/whānau to support their recovery. Integrated with Te Whatu Ora Whanganui's Community Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug services, we offer day activities where service users can express themselves creatively to help in their recovery journey.

Stanford House – Extended Term Regional Medium Secure Forensic Service

Stanford House is a 15-bed residential unit for people needing long-term rehabilitation. It is provided by the Regional Forensic Service and all referrals are managed through Capital Coast District Health Board.


Stanford House provides rehabilitation around health, mental health, community living, day-to-day skill development, employment, recreation and education. Visits need to be arranged with the Nurse in Charge.


Ring Stanford House on 06 348 1234.


Maternal Infant Child Adolescent Mental Health and Addiction Services (MICAMHAS) 

Maternal Infant Child & Adolescent Mental Health and Addictions Service (MICAMHAS) promotes mental health and well-being of mothers and babies, infants, young people and whānau through specialised mental health services.


MICAMHAS has 3 services:


Maternal mental health for expectant mothers or mothers who have a baby under the age of 12 months, who are experiencing complex mental health issues related to the pregnancy or birth.


Mental health services for infants, young people aged 0-18 requiring therapy, treatment and assessment including urgent assessments.


Alcohol and other drug issues alongside mild to moderate mental health provided by SUPP for young people aged under 19 which operates in the community including schools. 


MICAMHAS functions under the Choice and Partnership Approach (CAPA) which is a whole of service model where clinicians work alongside the mother, infant, young person and whanau to develop therapy /treatment goals in order to build resilience and independence. Clinicians liaise with other services ensuring a community response. 


Based at Te Whatu Ora Whanganui, Whanganui Hospital campus, MICAMHAS accepts referrals from all including self-referrals, referrals are triaged at a daily meeting and those referrals which are accepted will be given an appointment typically within 3 weeks from receipt of referral. Clinics are held in the rural areas for those who do not live in Whanganui city.


ICAMHAS referral form download here.

Community Mental Health Service (CMH)

Our Community Mental Health Service (CMH) works with adults who have severe mental health conditions. People who use the CMH services have assessment, planning, treatment and reviews with an allocated key worker and/or a doctor. Some service users are with the service for a short period of time (a couple of appointments), while some can stay in the service for more than two years.


Key CMH staff work alongside the service user, and their family, in their own home or at the CMH offices to educate them and support their recovery. This may include providing information on medication, illnesses, community living and options. CMH staff also liaise with any other services involved in a patient’s recovery such as the GP and/or a community agency.


CMH staff are based at Te Whatu Ora Whanganui in the Te Kopae building, Block G, and at the Rangitikei, Taihape and Waimarino health centres.


Referrals are made through the triage nurse at CMH, Te Kopae building, Block G, Private Bag 3003, Whanganui 4540


Contact by phone on 06 348 1207


Mental Health Assessment and Home Treatment Service (MHAHT)

MHAHT is NOT an emergency service. 


If there is an imminent risk to life or a dangerous or violent situation, please call emergency services on 111 or call 105.  Emergency services will contact MHAHT if there are urgent mental health concerns. 


You can contact MHAHT on 0800 653 358



Whanganui Community Living Trust

The Whanganui Community Living Trust was established in 1992 as a registered charitable trust. It was established by a group of local people form a variety of backgrounds who were drawn together by their interested in developing a quality community-based support service for people experiencing a mental health and/or disability.


We provide:

  • Community Social support
  • Home Based support

The following supports by Community Mental Health (CMH)


  • Enhanced Mobile services – medication oversight 7 days a week by a registered clinician
  • Maternal Mothers Mental Health Support (POC) Packages of Care
  • Home Based support – POC Packages of Care

All our supports are provided through the Whanganui – Rangitikei region


“Your life, your way”

396a Victoria Avenue, Whanganui

06 348 0089

Trust Manager: 022 644 9375

Clinical Coordinator: 021 280 1079


Alcohol and other Drug Service (AoD or addiction services) includes Opioid Treatment Service

Our Alcohol and Other Drug Service works alongside community mental health teams based at Te Rito, Level 1, 133 Wicksteed Street and at Te Whatu Ora Whanganui, alongside the Rangitikei, Taihape and Waimarino health centres.


The AoD service works across the continuum of use (of substances) from social use to dependence. As well as educating and informing service users/tangata whaiora, the service provides interventions such as medical assessments, counselling, detoxification and opioid substitution. Referral to other services is also provided. These can include funded residential programmes, self-help, support groups and community support.


Early intervention work with youth is also provided by specially trained staff.


Referrals are made through the triage nurse at CMH, Te Kopae building, Block G, Private Bag 3003, Whanganui 4540

Contact by phone on 06 348 1207.

Kaupapa Maori Mental Health Services

Te Puke Karanga Hauora - contact by phone on 06 385 5019


Provides Whānau Ora services to Raetihi and the middle reaches of the awa. Te Puke Karanga Hauora have a mental health support worker who works in with DHB Community Mental Health team based in this rural area. Te Puke Karanga Hauora also have Whānau Ora and He Puna Ora kaimahi. They are based in the Waimarino Health Centre, 22 Seddon Street, Raetihi.



Te Kotuku Hauora - contact by phone on 06 327 5594


Te Kotuku Hauora are one of the many services provided by Te Runanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa. Based at 85 Henderson Line in Marton they provide Tamariki Ora, He Puna Ora, and Whānau Ora   services. They have a mental health support worker as part of the team and a new kauapapa Maori mild to moderate service for people with mental health and addiction issues named Te Rau O Te Huia. 


Mokai Patea Services - contact by phone on 06 388 1156


Mokai Patea is an organisation mandated by four iwi Ngati Whitikaupeka, Ngati Tamakopiri, Ngai Te Ohuake and Ngāti Hauiti. Their Whānau Ora unit have Whānau Ora navigators that support whānau in change, crisis and work on health promotion and wellbeing. Mental health and addiction tangata whai ora and their whānau are supported by this team. Based at 130 Hautapu Street, Taihape. 


Ngā Waihua o Paerangi - Hauoratanga Team - contact by phone on 06 385 9580


Ngati Rangi has a range of services for its people based in Ohakune. One of these is the Hauoratanga team, part of the operational hub, Ngā Waihua o Paerangi.  They provide Whānau Ora, He Puna Ora and Tamariki Ora services from Maungārongo Marae, 36A Burns Street, Ohakune. They employ a mental health support worker and manaaki the AoD practitioner who works for Te Oranganui but has an office with Ngati Rangi.


Te Oranganui Waiora Hinengaro - Mental Health and Addiction Services provide:


  • Mental Health – assessment and support work
  • Alcohol and other Drug - assessment, one to one AoD counselling, support and group work and step up, step down residential care
  • Tamariki /Rangatahi - assessment and clinical input
  • Day Activity service Monday to Friday
  • Mental health residential service accessed through the DHB Service Coordinator
  • He Puna Ora – Pregnancy and parenting programme for parents using drug and alcohol
  • Korowaitia Te Puna Waiora – a kauapapa Maori service for people with mild to moderate mental health and substance use problems.
  • Te Toronga Whanau is a support service for whanau of people using alcohol and other drugs (this service can also be accessed through Mental Health and Wellbeing Support Service). These services can be accessed through 57 Campbell Street - contact by phone on 06 349 0007


The registered nurses in Waiora Hinengaro provide clinical oversight education and monitoring to the mental health support workers in the above for rural providers. This model which has been in place for 10 years and allows the above iwi providers to employ their own people in their own space and have the clinical back up.

Consumer Consultant and Family Advisor

The Mental Health and Addiction Services are supported by the Consumer Consultant and Family Advisor.


Te Whatu Ora Whanganui Consumer Consultant

Frank Bristol – c/o Balance, Community House, Ridgway Street, Whanganui, contact by phone on 06 345 4488.

The consumer consultant works with the management team and staff to ensure the service users’ perspective is part of mental health and addictions service planning, policy development and review, recruitment, and service-wide decision-making.


Te Whatu Ora Whanganui Family Advisor

Fiona Wakeling – c/o Mental Health & Wellbeing Support, 210 Wicksteed Street, Whanganui, contact by phone on 06 345 3301.


The Family Advisor works with the management team and staff to ensure the family/whanau perspective is part of mental health and addiction services planning and changes, policy development and review, recruitment, and service wide decision making.


Regional Services

Te Whatu Ora Whanganuis' Mental Health and Addictions Services are part of wider group of services known as the regional services which serve the Central District; Capital and Coast, Wairarapa, MidCentral, Hawkes Bay and Hutt Valley. 


Additional specialised services are shared among the six hospitals:


  • Rangatahi Unit – the Porirua-based inpatient unit for youth under 18, accessed through MICAMHAS
  • Central Regional Eating Disorder Service, (CREDS) based at Hutt Hospital which provides education, advice and residential service
  • Nga Tai Oranga (Personality Disorder Service) based in Wellington – provide monthly clinics in Whanganui via Zoom.  The team offers advice, consultation, education and supervision to staff working with people with personality disorder diagnosis.
  • Early Intervention Service – which visits Whanganui to provide advice, consultation and education on early intervention for people with a mental illness. Based in Wellington.
  • Detoxification Service – based in hospital or community and accessed through Whanganui AoD services
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Services – residential programmes in Wellington, Christchurch, Napier. Accessed through Whanganui AoD services.


Community Relationships and Collaboration

Our Mental Health and Addiction Services are also part of wider group of services within the Whanganui district providing mental health and addictions support services. We work closely with:


  • AccessAbility - Needs Assessment Service Coordinators contracted by the Ministry of Health to work with disabled people and their family, whānau, or carers, and to assess older people for publicly funded support services - contact by phone on 06 349 2669
  • Balance – Peer Support and Advocacy Service for Adults involves people with lived experience of mental illness and addiction (peers) giving and receiving help. They offer face to face support onsite and, in the community, alongside various programmes and activities for Tangata Whaiora (people seeking wellness) to get involved with, contact by phone on 06 345 4488
  • Broadview Rest Home – Secure specialist MH residential care for people with mental illness - contact by phone on 06 344 6915
  • IDEA Services - provides disability supports – contact by phone on 06 349 2650
  • LinkPeople - housing support – contact by phone on 06 348 7016
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Support – Provide support, advocacy, information, and education to    families and whānau impacted by mental health and or addiction issues or dementia related disorders.      They strive to build and sustain resilience in the whole family to enable them to maintain their own health and wellbeing - contact by phone on 06 345 3301
  • Ministry of Social Development – contact by phone on 06 968 6706
  • MIST – Mental Illness Survivors Team - M.I.S.T is located at 203 Victoria Avenue Whanganui. M.I.S.T aim is to promote empowerment through peer support for people over the age of 18 years. - contact details 022 679 5406 or or come in a see us. 
  • Pathways – Home, community and residential support - contact by phone on 06 348 8198
  • Whanganui Regional Health Network – GPs and practice nurses in the Whanganui district who provide primary health care.
  • Workwise – Understands the employment challenges people face and support them on this journey. They specialise in helping people to return to work with confidence - contact by phone on 06 348 9198