Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a support service that prepares and delivers a subsidised hot midday meal. The service is for eligible people who cannot prepare their own meals because of age, a disability or an illness.

Who can get Meals on Wheels

You may be able to get Meals on Wheels if:

  • You have a medical condition or disability and you cannot prepare a hot meal without help.
    If this is due to an accident contact ACC.
    Help at home after an injury - ACC website (external link).
  • You have no whānau or caregiver to help you with meal preparation.
  • You need a regular meal delivered to you to keep healthy and to avoid unnecessary admissions to hospital.

How to get Meals on Wheels

You usually need to be referred to the service by a healthcare provider.

Contact your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider for information about Meals on Wheels and to find out if you, or the person you are enquiring on behalf of, are eligible to use Meals on Wheels.

Meals on Wheels by region

We are developing this section and will continue to add more information.

If you are after Meals on Wheels information and reside outside of Hamilton, visit the Citizens Advice Bureau website.

Community directory: Meals on Wheels — Citizens Advice Bureau (external link)


Contact us

For information about Meals on Wheels in Hamilton:

Deliver and cost information

  • Meals are delivered hot Monday to Friday, usually between 11:15am and 12pm.
  • Meals can be delivered frozen for weekends and public holidays.
  • The minimum order is at least 2 meals a week for 4 weeks.
  • Each meal costs $11.40.

Meals on Wheels starter pack

The Meals on Wheels starter pack includes sign-up and direct debit forms, food safety tips, and general information about the service.

Meals on Wheels starter pack [PDF, 283 KB]

About the menu

Meals are prepared fresh in our kitchen daily. They consist of a choice of hot main dishes with seasonal vegetables and a dessert.

You will receive a 4-week menu which you complete for your selected days. What you select will be what you receive for the seasonal period. At the beginning of each seasonal period you will receive a new menu for new selections.

Summer 2024/2025 menu [PDF, 216 KB]

Cancelling Meals on Wheels

To cancel Meals on Wheels:

If the call is after 9am on a delivery day, you will be charged for that day's meal.

Rest of Waikato

For information about Meals on Wheels in other parts of Waikato: