Mārama — feedback survey for mental health and addictions
Mārama allows you and your whānau to give anonymous feedback on our mental health and addictions services.
Designed for people aged 12 and over, it is completely anonymous and asks 7 simple questions about your experience with us.
We encourage everyone using our services to provide feedback to us.
Choose a service to give feedback on
Choose the service you would like to give feedback on. There are different links for each service. You can give feedback on more than one service if you wish.
- Addictions Nelson (external link)
- Addictions Wairau (external link)
- Adult Nelson (external link)
- Adult Wairau (external link)
- Adult Tasman (external link)
- Community Assessment Team (CAT) Nelson (external link)
- Early Intervention Service (external link)
- Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ICAMHS) Nelson (external link)
- Infant, Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ICAMHS) Wairau (external link)
- Older Persons Mental Health (external link)
- Wahi Oranga (external link)
About the Mārama feedback survey
The meaning of mārama
Mārama relates to wisdom and understanding, and the natural world of life and light.
It derives from the Māori legend in which Tāne, the Māori guardian of the forest and birds, separated his sky father Ranginui and earth mother Papatūānuku to create a world of light and life. This world was known as Te Ao Mārama.
How your feedback is used
Feedback provided through the Mārama feedback survey is collected and reported to our services. All feedback helps us to review, adjust and improve these services.
Mārama is anonymous
The Mārama feedback survey is completely anonymous. We cannot identify you from your answers. It does not ask for any name or contact information.
We encourage you to be open and honest with your feedback.
To make a complaint
The Mārama feedback survey is not a formal complaint tool. As the results are anonymous, we cannot follow up with anyone.
If you or somebody you know would like to make a formal complaint, you can:
- talk with the team who provided your care and treatment
- ask to speak with the team leader or manager
- make a complaint through Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
- contact a local Health and Disability Advocate — freephone: 0800 555 050
- talk to the Health and Disability Commissioner — freephone: 0800 11 22 33 or email: hdc@hdc.org.nz